Turn medical paper into valuable data
MDS is an e-Record total solution that provide both automation and efficiency. It automatically fetches data directly from devices (which eliminate typo) and intelligently transfer data into e-records (which makes efficiency). The MDS system also provides integrated record retrieval interface that helps staff realize patient situation in graphical and statistical manner.

Brridge data between HIS/PACS and devices
Automatically and intelligently eliminate the need of manual data processing at least half of time.
Instant and integrated data retrieval
Tap MDS with an RFID card and the patient’s record would be automatically displayed in the MDS-Retrieval system in few seconds.
Graphical and historical data representation
MDS links medical image viewer and historical data viewer to represent multi-dimensional information which assist doctors in observing the long-term change of fundus or IOP etc.
Simplify examination procedure
MDS simplifies 3 steps of examination(printing, pasting or transcribing, and typing) into only 1 action.

★ Identification
Patient identification via RFID /IC card / Barcode.
★ Examination
Automatically fetch, parse data from device and upload as e-record.
★ Medical E-records
Medical E-records are retrieved within few seconds through various identification tech.

Autorefractor Gateway
Tonometor Gateway